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Prototipo Studio Srl Benefit Corporation, the Statute

Prototipo Studio Benefit Corporation: the Statute

Prototipo Studio intends to pursue purposes of common benefit and to operate in a responsible, ecological and socially sustainable manner that is transparent to communities, territories, and the environment

Prototipo Studio: corporate social objectives

The corporation’s ultimate goal is to pursue the well-being and happiness of all its members promoting work in a supportive and motivating environment and participating in a shared-prosperity economic activity.
To pursue this goal in the long term, the company strives for cost-effective management and thus the achievement of a sufficient level of profit to finance:

– The continuity of the company over time;
– the desirable progress of the characteristic activity;
– the expansion of its services to pursue its ultimate goal in new ways;
– the distribution of a portion of these profits annually to its members.
The ultimate goal of an enterprise is to protect its custody and create a happy working environment for all involved. The generation of economic value is a means to this end, not an end in itself.

Prototipo Studio. The business activity – mainly in the textile field – and services offered

These are the activities that make up the corporate purpose:

a) the enhancement, processing and commercialization of raw materials for the textile, paper, construction and pharmaceutical industries, with the express exclusion of drug retailing;

b) The manufacture even at third parties of: semi-finished products for the textile industry in general; yarns and fabrics in general; garments, clothing, accessories, and other manufactured goods for the fashion industry; furniture and design objects in general; semi-finished and finished products for the paper industry in general; semi-finished and finished products for the construction industry in general;

c) wholesale and retail trade, in Italy and abroad, including through the Internet (e-commerce) of anything that (the company) can manufacture even at third parties, in the above areas;

d) the provision of creative, advertising and communication consulting services, with the express exclusion of advertising collection activities;

e) the provision of consulting and marketing services as well as the creation of electronic publishing services and products related to e-commerce activities, with the express exclusion of periodical printing.

Prototipo Studio, sustainability in manufacturing: reducing the environmental impact of the business (eco-sustainable materials, renewable energy, traceability)

As part of our social responsibility, we are particularly committed to the following issues:

a) Sustainability of corporate production:
– It is committed to pursuing concrete policies and actions aimed at having a positive social and environmental impact;
– it promotes the reduction of the environmental impact of its business activities by reducing the use of polluting and high-impact materials, favoring the use of natural and eco-sustainable materials and the use of renewable energy resources, and privileging relationships with suppliers who are themselves certified and traceable;
– it carries out research and application of operating methods aimed at the use of environmentally friendly tools, means and consumables, the recovery of natural materials with a view to generating benefit for individuals and preserving the surrounding environment;
– it promotes a model of sustainable fashion and responsible and conscious consumption;
– it supports local handicrafts by using a supply chain consisting of Italian producers;

The Benefit Corporation: the values of transparency, traceability, inclusion

b) Administration and management of human resources:
– it promotes transparency to consumers and stakeholders by promoting supply chain traceability;
– it promotes the values of diversity and inclusion in terms of race, gender, minority and nationality, encouraging the overcoming of aesthetic and cultural stereotypes;
– it maintains and promotes gender equality at the governance and workforce levels;
– it promotes policies to enhance the value and retention of the workforce;
– it fosters the professional growth of its employees, practices an inclusive policy within the company and creates conditions conducive to the acceptance, flexibility and quality of work, including specific initiatives to support the reconciliation of work and family commitments;

Prototipo Studio support and investments in the social, urban, environmental, and community good

c) supports and investments in social, urban, environmental, community good

– It is committed to producing innovation and progress in urban planning and real estate, as well as in other areas, of the knowledge of business models with high social and environmental responsibility;
– it seeks collaboration and synergy with for-profit and nonprofit organizations, foundations and similar companies – including B Corp companies and legal form of a Benefit Corporation – whose purpose is aligned and synergistic with that of the Society, to contribute to their development and amplify the positive impact of their work.

It can also engage in any industrial, commercial, securities, real estate and financial transactions as an incidental and non-prevailing activity, including the issuance of guarantees and surety bonds, deemed by the governing body to be necessary and useful for the achievement of the corporate purpose, directly and indirectly assume interests and shareholdings in other companies and enterprises having similar subject matter, akin or related to its own, issue guarantees and sureties also in the interest of third parties.
Subject to the caveat, however, that the taking of corporate equity stakes and engaging in financial transactions are permitted only if not exercised to the public.

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Your choice among our in house color options: natural color, green-brown from Italian licorice, charcoal.

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Prototipo Studio at Lampoon Magazine